2024 Trout in the Classroom Annual Scholarship

This scholarship is made available to any student that has participated in a Trout in the Classroom program between the grades 1 thru 12.  This monetary award will be available to any ‘qualified’ student entering a 2- or 4-year college program in one of the environmental sciences listed below:

Conservation                        Ecology

Environmental Science       Environmental Engineering

Fisheries Biology                 Forestry

Marine Science                    Natural Resource Management

Wildlife Biology

The full eligibility requirements and application are contained in the attached documentation. At the present time this award will have a value of one thousand dollars ($1000.00), with no limitations.




 Student Applicants Name (Please Print) ______________________________________________________________________


Home Address: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________________________________________________________

                        Street & Number                              City                                       State             Zip Code


Student E-Mail______________________________



School(s) attended while participating in Trout in the Classroom:




Years Attended: _________


High School: _________________________________________


Name of Guidance Counselor______________________ Phone________________




Parent or Guardian Name: __________________________


Parents Phone: _______________________


Parents E-mail: _______________________


Print Name ________________________        Parent Signature _______________________                 


II.         COLLEGE INFORMATION            

I have applied to the following colleges.  (Please include city and State)




Intended Course of Study or Major










III.         Essay: Please attach Essay, double spaced on a separate sheet, including applicants Name and High School.          

I have read and understand the requirements of the Farmington Valley Chapter Trout Unlimited, Trout in the Classroom Scholarship Program, and declare that the information submitted herewith is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Student Name (Please Print) ________________________________________________________________

Signature of Student: ___________________________________________Date_____________