📌FVTU Needs Your Help!

Out of the utmost precaution, the FVTU Board has made the tough decision to cancel our annual in-person fundraising banquet scheduled for March 19, 2022, due to the most recent surge of COVID-19. In light of this information, we are asking you, our dedicated members, to consider a virtual donation so that we may be able to keep the important work FVTU does afloat for another year.

The pandemic has stressed FVTU’s fundraising efforts over the last three years as our annual banquet accounts for the majority of our funding. Consequently, invaluable programs that do so much for our communities (e.g., scholarships, support for local watershed groups, kids’ fishing derbies, Trout in the Classroom and Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing) are at risk.

We ask that you please consider donating the $50 you might have otherwise spent on your annual banquet ticket to help us continue this work. However, we are accepting donations of all sizes—every little bit helps further our mission! Without your help, the future for FVTU is less clear.

Donating is simple. We have set up links to PayPal and Venmo which can be found on our website www.fvtu.org/donate.

Also, checks made out to FVTU may be sent to John DiVenere at 139 Hopmeadow Rd., Bristol, CT 06010.

All contributions are Tax Deductible as FVTU is a 501c3 registered organization.

Plans for a future online auction are in the works, and we hope to share additional details on that soon.

Your help is greatly appreciated, and we hope to see you all next year. Until then, thank you for your contributions and your support.
